Brendan joins the podcast again as we discuss what life has been like for Trevor living in Spain during a pandemic (including the New Years Day fire that forced him to move apartments). We also discuss all of the history rich cities Trevor has traveled to in the past 7 months. Phoenician history, Roman history, Visigothic history, Islamic history, the Age of Exploration, this episode has it all! 


Correction: I absolutely butcher the pronunciation of Boabdil, the last Muslim King of Granada. It is pronounced boh-uhb-dil. His real name was Abu Abdallah Muhammad XII.




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Youtube - Trevor Travels


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Music: LucasNapoleone/




The Show

The March of History is a biographical history podcast on the life of Julius Caesar and the fall of the Roman Republic. Not only does it cover Julius Caesar's life in depth, it also explores the intricate world of ancient Rome and all of the key players of the late Roman Republic including Cicero, Pompey, Crassus, Cato, Clodius, Mark Antony, Brutus, a young Augustus (Octavian), Marius, Sulla and (though not Roman) Cleopatra.