The life of Julius Caesar and the fall of the Roman Republic


Dec. 10, 2020

25. Treacherous Allies

Julius Caesar’s army faces early setbacks against the Helvetii. Soon Caesar finds out the real enemy is within his own camp. Faced with the prospect of his army’s starvation, Caesar must wade into the complex world of inter-t...

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Nov. 26, 2020

24. Retribution of Rome

Julius Caesar recruits additional legions without permission from the Senate. With his new army he races to confront the Helvetii as they rampage through the territory of tribes allied with Rome. Caesar catches up with them a...

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Nov. 12, 2020

23. Knock Knock, It’s the Helvetii

A massive migration of "barbarians" is headed directly for one of Julius Caesar’s provinces. This is Caesar’s first test as Proconsul. The tribes say they want to pass through Transalpine Gaul but promise not to misbehave. Ca...

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Oct. 29, 2020

22. Clodius Really Unhinged

Julius Caesar sits silently outside of Rome pulling the strings of politics like a spider perched on a web. Clodius wins the Tribuneship and immediately goes after his enemies, namely Cicero. In the ever escalating feud betwe...

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Oct. 22, 2020

21. Clodius Unhinged

Vettius comes forward with another conspiracy that has all of Rome in confusion. Julius Caesar does his best to capitalize on it. Plot twists compound on plot twists to turn this into one of the most confusing conspiracies in...

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Oct. 15, 2020

20. The Consulship of Julius and Caesar (Part III)

Julius Caesar continues his blitzkrieg of legislation as Consul. His enemies can barely keep pace. The Triumvirate reigns supreme… or so it seems. The ground they stand on is not so sure as they think. In the background, the ...

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Oct. 8, 2020

19. The Consulship of Julius and Caesar (Part II)

Julius Caesar refuses to allow an obstructive Senate led by Cato to stonewall his legislation. Ignoring the Senate altogether, Caesar takes his bills directly to the people. At the first and most important of these votes, cha...

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Sept. 17, 2020

18. The Consulship of Julius and Caesar (Part I)

Julius Caesar wins the Consulship in a landslide. Despite this, he is put in a political corner by Cato and the Optimates’ maneuverings ahead of his year in office. Caesar will need to use all of his charm, charisma and polit...

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Sept. 10, 2020

17. Return of Pompey Magnus

Pompey Magnus has been away from Rome for 5 years waging war and reorganizing the Eastern half of the Roman empire. He returns to Rome as perhaps the richest and most accomplished Roman General of all time up to that point in...

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Sept. 3, 2020

16. Subduing Spain

Julius Caesar sets out for Further Spain to take up his post as Pro-Praetorian Governor. There he is determined to find himself a war in which he can win glory and riches to pay back his debts. Showing early flashes of the br...

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Aug. 27, 2020

15. Defiling the Bona Dea

Julius Caesar’s Praetorship ends with a scandalous bang. Cross-dressing combines with sacrilege to create a scandal the likes of which Rome has never seen. We introduce you to a new individual whose appetite for personal vend...

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Aug. 20, 2020

14. Forum Furor

Julius Caesar’s year as Praetor gets off to a rocky start. Bedlam at a Forum meeting and false accusations combine to make political life exceedingly difficult. It will take all Caesar’s political acumen to avoid a fall from ...

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Aug. 13, 2020

13. Civil War Erupts

Civil war erupts, brother fights brother as the Roman Senate attempts to put down Catiline’s insurrection once and for all. Catiline and his supporters fight for their lives. Venmo If you enjoyed the episode and want to leave...

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Aug. 6, 2020

12. The Conspiracy Unfolds

After Cicero’s famous denunciation of Catiline, Catiline flees Rome during the night under the pretext of going into exile. A rebel army continues to grow in Etruria and the Roman Republic’s fate hangs in the balance. Venmo I...

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July 30, 2020

11. Dystopian Caesar

Welcome to the dark twisted world of Lucius Sergius Catilina, a Populare and shadowy reflection of Julius Caesar. Catiline has the nerve to gamble like Caesar but does he have the skill needed to pull it off? Correction: New ...

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July 21, 2020

10. Fortune Favors the Bold

Julius Caesar gambles his entire career on a single election with the odds stacked against him. A deeper dive into the character of Julius Caesar and the state of the Republic during his life. Venmo If you enjoyed the episode...

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July 21, 2020

9. Murder Courts

Cato causes a ruckus as Quaestor, reopening old wounds from the days of the Dictator Sulla. In a bizarre trial, Julius Caesar uses an archaic law dating back to the Kings of Rome to prove a political point. Note: The other re...

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July 21, 2020

8. The Plight of Bibulus

Julius Caesar gains a new enemy with his extravagant spending as Aedile. The ghost of Marius raises more controversy as Julius Caesar openly challenges the Optimates and emboldens the Populares. Enter onto the stage Marcus Ca...

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July 21, 2020

7. Pompey Over Pirates

Pompey aims to gain an unprecedented command to wage war on the Mediterranean’s pirates. Julius Caesar works to get in the General’s good graces. Correction #1: In this episode I say Julius Caesar visits Transalpine Gaul afte...

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July 21, 2020

6. Death Masks

Julius Caesar continues to climb the political ladder even as personal tragedy strikes at home. Nothing is ever apolitical in ancient Rome though, not even funerals. Personal tragedy soon turns to political fuel. Venmo If you...

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July 21, 2020

5. Julius Caesar the Lover

Julius Caesar makes a name for himself in Rome as a womanizer. A view into the women of the Roman Republic and the women in Caesar’s life. Enter onto the stage Marcus Porcius Cato and Servillia. Note #1: Suetonius tells us Ca...

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July 21, 2020

4. Spartacus Rising

Led by the legendary Spartacus, a massive slave revolt seizes Italy. Barbaric measures are taken to return the Republic to its status quo. Enter onto the stage Pompey Magnus and Marcus Licinius Crassus. Note: As best I can te...

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July 21, 2020

3. Return of Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar returns to Rome with a splash. Determined to make his name known he enters the law courts to prove his prowess as an orator. Enter onto the statge Marcus Tullius Cicero. Correction #1: It was Livy that character...

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July 21, 2020

2. Julius Caesar Pirate Bane

A young Julius Caesar journeys to the eastern half of the Roman Empire in the hopes of adventure and glory. Military life suits Caesar well and he is soon a rising star in the Republic. Even the fearsome pirates of the Medite...

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