Julius Caesar’s rapid march toward Spain is stalled by the defiant city of Massilia (modern Marseille). Ahenobarbus unexpectedly resurfaces and re-enters the Roman Civil War. We set the stage for Julius Caesar’s campaign in Spain. Caesar’s legate Fabius, sent ahead to start the war while Caesar organizes the siege of…
Stories of the Roman Emperor Tiberius on the island of Capri. I think if I went into detail as to what Tiberius had these poor people doing on Capri the video would probably be flagged by Youtube 😂. Here’s the G rated version.
Brothers Trevor and Brendan Fernes trek from Valencia, Spain to the historic pueblo of Xativa in search of the legendary "Hannibal's Gate". I (Trevor) also have a history podcast on the life of Julius Caesar and the fall of the Roman Republic called The March of History. If you enjoyed…
Climbing Mount Vesuvius 🌋 Correction: I told this story from memory while hiking. I did get one detail mixed up. All of the Spartacus rebels climbed down the vines (which they wove into ladders) and hit the Roman forces in one unified force from behind according to Plutarch. None of…
Want to know more about Ancient Rome and the life of Julius Caesar? Then listen to The March of History podcast! It’s right here on our youtube page. Or you can find the podcast on just about any other platform by searching “The March of History “ or even just…
Ascending the Capitoline Hill, one of the 7 hills of ancient Rome. On top of the Capitoline Hill is the Piazza del Campidoglio designed by the famous renaissance artist Michelangelo Buonarroti. In the center of the piazza was placed an equestrian statue of the ancient Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius. Today…
Sitting in his country villa, Cicero struggles to choose a side; Julius Caesar or Pompey and the Optimates. From his vantage, neither option looks appealing. Meanwhile, Julius Caesar makes his much anticipated (and dreaded) return to Rome after a 10 year absence from his mother city. There, Caesar soon finds…
Trevor heads to the ancient Gallo-Roman town of Alesia in France where Julius Caesar fought one of the most famous battles in history. In this video, Trevor tells the story of the epic Battle of Alesia complete with re-creations of the siege-works. He even does some exploring around the battlefield…
Julius Caesar pursues Pompey to the port city of Brundisium. There, the two face off in the first great engineering contest of the civil war as Caesar attempts to blockade the port and Pompey works to slow Caesar’s progress until his fleet can arrive. There is also a special segment…