Julius Caesar makes the greatest gamble of his life and crosses the Rubicon to march on his political enemies. The civil war has begun. The unprepared Pompey and the Optimates are thunderstruck by Caesar's swift advance. Most Romans fear Caesar will behave like Sulla or Marius. Caesar has other plans.…
With Caesar’s conquest of Gaul complete, focus now turns to his much anticipated return to Rome. Caesar envisions the triumphant return of a conquering hero. The Optimates envision a criminal being dragged before a court controlled and guarded by the armed soldiers of Pompey. With both sides claiming to want…
The final year of the Gallic wars; Vercingetorix meets his fate. What is the significance of Alesia for Julius Caesar and what is the legacy of his conquest of Gaul? Venmo If you enjoyed the episode and want to leave a tip, click the link below! https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3764325529420842984&created=1680471101.0362968&printed=1 Patreon If you…
Alesia is Julius Caesar’s greatest battle and one of the most famous battles in history. Caesar has now surrounded Alesia with two rings of ramparts, towers, traps and ditches. But with a massive Gallic relief army bearing down upon them, Caesar and his army find themselves surrounded. Fighting now on…
Alesia is Julius Caesar’s greatest battle and one of the most famous battles in history. With Vercingetorix and his men held up in the hilltop town of Alesia, Julius Caesar and the Romans start a monumental project of fortifications to wall Vercingetorix in. Youtube exploring the battlefield of Alesia: https://youtu.be/oeqVc9rG7Ik?si=86V1Mpec3Ok-XkNg…
Julius Caesar’s Gallic allies are defecting at an alarming rate. Soon he is surrounded in enemy territory and cut off from his provinces which are under attack. As Caesar and his army march to the rescue of Transalpine Gaul weighed down by their baggage train, Vercingetorix smells an opportunity. Venmo…
With allies wavering in loyalty Julius Caesar fears being surrounded at Gergovia. But before he can begin a strategic retreat he must win some sort of face saving victory. The result, is the Battle of Gergovia, Caesar’s single biggest defeat in the Gallic Wars. Venmo If you enjoyed the episode…
Julius Caesar takes the fight to Vercingetorix’s homeland. Meanwhile elements of one of Rome’s Gallic allies, the Aedui, try to push their tribe into joining Vercingetorix’s rebellion. Venmo If you enjoyed the episode and want to leave a tip, click the link below! https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3764325529420842984&created=1680471101.0362968&printed=1 Patreon If you want to contribute…
Julius Caesar finally finds a worthy rival in Gaul in the form of a young charismatic nobleman by the name of Vercingetorix. With Caesar distracted by the anarchy in Rome, Vercingetorix seizes his chance to rouse all of Gaul into rebellion. Caught off guard, Caesar needs to find a way…
Cato cracks down on corruption sans underwear. Clodius and Milo’s gang war reaches its climax on the Via Appia. Rome erupts into utter chaos as violent mobs swarm the streets. Venmo If you enjoyed the episode and want to leave a tip, click the link below! https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3764325529420842984&created=1680471101.0362968&printed=1 Patreon If you…
Crassus and the Romans begin a long bloody retreat from the battle of Carrhae with Surena and the Parthians in hot pursuit. When Surena finally catches up to Crassus, the result is so theatrical it could only exist in ancient history. Venmo If you enjoyed the episode and want to…
Crassus invades the Parthian Empire! Ignoring an endless stream of bad omens he marches his army over the Euphrates River and into Mesopotamia. The Parthians are no helpless foe and soon Crassus finds himself marching further and further into the desert where the Parthians have a surprise waiting for him.…
Julius Caesar turns his attention to punishing Ambiorix and the Eburones, the same tribe that ambushed and wiped out the 14th legion. While Caesar is busy dishing out retribution, the new replacement 14th legion gets a surprise visit from a band of intrepid Germans. Venmo If you enjoyed the episode…
Julius Caesar races back and forth across Gaul doing his best to stamp out the embers of rebellion that seem to be springing up everywhere he looks. The Treveri, the Nervii, the Menapii, the Aduatuci, the Senones, and the Carnutes, all these tribes and more are mobilizing for war. Even…
Heavily outnumbered, Julius Caesar must find a way to lure the Belgic coalition into fighting on terrain of his choosing. To do this, he will need a strong understanding of human psychology. Venmo If you enjoyed the episode and want to leave a tip, click the link below! https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3764325529420842984&created=1680471101.0362968&printed=1 Patreon…
A coalition of Belgic tribes races to attack the winter camp of Quintus Cicero. No military man, Quintus must rise to the occasion if he and his legion are to survive the onslaught and find a way to get help from Julius Caesar. Venmo If you enjoyed the episode and…
The 14th legion finds itself isolated and under attack. With command divided evenly between two commanders, the Romans begin bickering amongst themselves as to which is the correct course of action to save themselves from the enemy. But who is the enemy? Venmo If you enjoyed the episode and want…
Julius Caesar suffers a crushing series of blows upon his return from Britain as he receives word that multiple members of his direct family have died. Back in Rome the funeral is anything but normal. Crassus is becoming insufferable at the excitement of his Syrian command and Cato may or…
Julius Caesar and his legions march to the River Thames where they are confronted by an army of Britons. The deeper they march into Britain the more they seem to suffer casualties in ambushes and hit and run raids. With Autumn quickly approaching, Caesar needs to find a way to…