The life of Julius Caesar and the fall of the Roman Republic


Nov. 14, 2024

3. Return of Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar returns to Rome with a splash. Determined to make his name known he enters the law courts to prove his prowess as an orator. Enter onto the statge Marcus Tullius Cicero. Correction #1: It was Livy that characterized Rome as conquering the world in self-defense. Correction #2: Arpinum…

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Nov. 14, 2024

2. Julius Caesar Pirate Bane

A young Julius Caesar journeys to the eastern half of the Roman Empire in the hopes of adventure and glory. Military life suits Caesar well and he is soon a rising star in the Republic. Even the fearsome pirates of the Mediterranean come to respect his name. Venmo If you…

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Nov. 14, 2024

1b. Marius vs. Sulla

Marius and Sulla compete in a contest of ‘who can terrify Rome the most’. All concept of restraint, pity and mercy are forgotten. In this civil war between two Roman titans, it is the Roman people themselves who are made to bleed. Amidst all the chaos and bloodshed, a young…

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Nov. 14, 2024

1a. Marius vs. Sulla

A generation before Julius Caesar etched his name into the history books, Republican Rome was dominated by two larger than life personalities, Marius and Sulla. To understand the world Julius Caesar was born into, you need to understand the great feud between these two titans. A feud that tore the…

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Nov. 14, 2024

Intro to The March of History

What is this podcast about? Why am I making it? Should you listen? Find out in this 1.5 minute introduction to The March of History. Venmo If you enjoyed the episode and want to leave a tip, click the link below! Patreon If you want to contribute to The…

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Nov. 2, 2024

#history #roman #ancientrome #marius #historypodcast #romanhistory #romanempire #historyshorts #rome

The March of History podcast

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Oct. 31, 2024

#history #historypodcast #ancienthistory #ancientrome #romans #historyshorts #historyfacts #caesars

A clip from episode “1b. Marius vs. Sulla” of The March of History podcast. A podcast on the life of Julius Caesar and the fall of the Roman Republic.

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Oct. 29, 2024

#history #roman #historypodcast #ancientrome #marius #ancienthistory #romans ##historyshorts #rome

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Oct. 29, 2024

Biographical history podcast on Julius Caesar #romanhistory #historypodcast #marius #sulla #history

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May 25, 2023

67. Ancient Arms Race

Source: With Caesar’s conquest of Gaul complete, focus now turns to his much anticipated return to Rome. Caesar envisions the triumphant return of a conquering hero. The Optimates envision a criminal being dragged before a court controlled and guarded by the armed soldiers of Pompey. With both sides claiming…

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May 11, 2023

66. Gaul is Conquered

Source: Vercingetorix meets his fate. The significance of Alesia for Julius Caesar. The final year of the Gallic Wars. What is the legacy of the conquest of Gaul? Venmo If you enjoyed the episode and want to leave a tip, click the link below! Patreon If you want…

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April 27, 2023

The Battle of Alesia (Part II)

Source: This is Julius Caesar’s greatest battle and one of the most famous battles in history. Caesar has now surrounded Alesia with two rings of ramparts, towers, traps and ditches. But with a massive Gallic relief army bearing down upon them, Caesar and his army find themselves surrounded. Fighting…

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April 13, 2023

64. The Battle of Alesia (Part 1)

Alesia is Julius Caesar’s greatest battle and one of the most famous battles in history. With Vercingetorix and his men held up in the hilltop town of Alesia, Julius Caesar and the Romans start a monumental project of fortifications to wall Vercingetorix in. Youtube exploring the battlefield of Alesia:…

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March 30, 2023

63. The Turning Point

Julius Caesar’s Gallic allies are defecting at an alarming rate. Soon he is surrounded in enemy territory and cut off from his provinces which are under attack. As Caesar and his army march to the rescue of Transalpine Gaul weighed down by their baggage train, Vercingetorix smells an opportunity. More…

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March 16, 2023

62. The Battle of Gergovia

With allies wavering in loyalty Julius Caesar fears being surrounded at Gergovia. But before he can begin a strategic retreat he must win some sort of face saving victory. The result, is the Battle of Gergovia, Caesar’s single biggest defeat in the Gallic Wars. More Episodes Patreon If you…

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March 2, 2023

61. Aedui Anxiety

Julius Caesar takes the fight to Vercingetorix’s homeland. Meanwhile elements of one of Rome’s Gallic allies, the Aedui, try to push their tribe into joining Vercingetorix’s rebellion. More Episodes: Patreon If you want to contribute to The March of History with a monthly donation, click the link below!…

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Feb. 16, 2023

60. Vercingetorix Rising

Julius Caesar finally finds a worthy rival in Gaul in the form of a young charismatic nobleman by the name of Vercingetorix. With Caesar distracted by the anarchy in Rome, Vercingetorix seizes his chance to rouse all of Gaul into rebellion. Caught off guard, Caesar needs to find a way…

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Feb. 2, 2023

59. Anarchy Vs. Monarchy

Cato cracks down on corruption sans underwear. Clodius and Milo’s gang war reaches its climax on the Via Appia. Rome erupts into utter chaos as violent mobs swarm the streets. More Episodes Patreon If you want to contribute to The March of History with a monthly donation, click the…

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Jan. 19, 2023

58. The Fate of Crassus

Crassus and the Romans begin a long bloody retreat from the battle of Carrhae with Surena and the Parthians in hot pursuit. When Surena finally catches up to Crassus, the result is so theatrical it could only exist in ancient history. More Episodes Patreon If you want to contribute…

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Jan. 5, 2023

57. The Battle of Carrhae

Crassus invades the Parthian Empire! Ignoring an endless stream of bad omens he marches his army over the Euphrates River and into Mesopotamia. The Parthians are no helpless foe and soon Crassus finds himself marching further and further into the desert where the Parthians have a surprise waiting for him.…

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